Complete your anonymous Personal Profile and
Preferences for targeted matches.
Contact potential commute partners and let
them know how often you'd like to carpool.
When you get a good match,
you may wish to meet face-to-face near your work site. Confirm your
personal preferences with regard to smoking, eating, speeding, music/news
selections, and stopping for Triple Vente Lattes on the way to work...
Decide who will drive and how often. Will you
maintain the same driving arrangement or rotate? How do you want to
share parking and gas expenses? If there is more than one passenger,
you may want to set a flat fare for the driver.
Make sure all carpool participants have each
other's phone numbers or can contact each other quickly if necessary.
Choose a convenient pick-up point.
Set up a schedule: twice a month, once a week,
or whatever works. Make sure everyone knows the schedule and is notified
if there are any changes.
Agree on the "patience margin",
that is: the maximum wait allowable at pick-up points.
Make sure the carpool car is in good repair
and has plenty of gas. Also, check your insurance coverage. Some policies
offer rate reductions for ridesharing.
Ask your employer about carpool incentive programs
such as Guaranteed Ride Home, preferential parking, parking cash-out,
Consider starting a carpool-lane book, travel
or investment club.
Congratulate yourself everyday for doing something
to beat gridlock, improve air quality and...cut gas expenses. Your impact
All RideLinks members agree to abide by the
rules outlined in the Membership Agreement and Terms and Conditions.